On the north wall, while entering on the left, be a scene of offerings where the king is in front of Osiris, seated, followed by  Isis, Horus and Oupouaout.  The king holds a censer with  the left hand and an herep the right hand (HAS.R. David). The stack of offerings is constituted of animals victims, birds, antelopes and of pieces of animals. Underneathis drawn  a frieze where is represented various scenes of slaughtering and cutout of animals (please, see the navigation bar below).

Click here to see Horus and Wepwawet.



Wepwawet says : "How beautiful is the mansion of Abydos..all gods and godesses rest in its shrine..." ." (A.R. David)




[Osiris, Horus and Wepwawet][Offerings to Ptah and Sekhmet][Butchers on west wall][Butchers on north wall]
