Senwosret III


Senwosret  III in  his youth (Louvre)


The only monuments of subsisting importance date from  the reign of Senwosret III. This Pharaoh is the first to have made build in this city a real funeral complex consisting of a temple in the south of Abydos and of a real tomb. at the foot of the cliff.  A complete city was built for the craftsmen working to this funeral complex.  A general plan of the site, as well as the plans of the temple and the tomb are duplicated in the book of P. Tallet (p. 241 and 244). (to see the page biblio)


The temple is a structure made of grown bricks of about 54 m by 34 m (north-south). Only the center is built in limestone. The temple possesses a pylon of raw bricks. The actual sanctuary is surrounded with stores and houses. It includes a room hypostyle, a room of offerings and a triple sanctuary.  The fragments of wall decorations show classic scenes, representations of the cult of Osiris. So this temple already played the role of "temple of millions of years" as those of the New Kingdom.


At  the foot of the cliff, 700 m to the north, be an enclosure of bricks in the shape of T that protects the entry of a tomb.  A debate exists to know if this tomb really served to the Pharaoh's burial.



The set down steles were bound to cenotaphs for the richest people, conceived either like small chapels, either as full structures. At the end of the 12th dynasty and during the 13th, some more modest people deposits their stele there also.


The stele of chancellor Ikhernofret, now in  the museum of Berlin, tells how the chancellor, sent by Senwosret III that made the war in Nubie, controled the feasts of Osiris  :

"J'ai donc agi conformément à tout ce qu'avait ordonné sa Majesté, réalisant au mieux ce qu'avait prescrit mon maître pour son père Osiris-Khentyimentyou, le très puissant seigneur d'Abydos qui réside dans This"  (translation of J. Guiter in the magazine Egypt n°10; to see the page links and the page biblio for more of details on Osiris, the feasts of Abydos and the stele).   (back to  [Middle Kingdom])


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