

Bottom scene :  Re is represented under different forms carrying the solar disk on the head. On the right, the man with a ram head is the nocturnal form of Re. It makes even dark for the god, the naos is not even open. The Pharaoh, that to be-to-say the priest gets ready to open the naos the morning to the sunrise.  On the left of this scene, Re is as Khepri, the young sun : one guesses the scarab on the solar disk. Then, Re is under the form of Atoum, the demiurge who carries the pschent, but that is also the aging sun. On the left, finally, one sees him under the form of Re-Horakthy.  The Pharaoh presents him the incense. The Pharaoh carries different outfits. Re carries the scepter ouas of the left hand and the sign ankh of the right hand. Below, the god is on a pedestal showing that it is about his/its statue. Top scene : the god is standing and without pedestal.