

Bottom scene :  Ptah is always represented with the same hairdressing and the same dress. His beard is right, contrary to the one of the other gods. He wears a skullcap on the head and has in the hands a particular scepter carrying the signs djed, ankh and ouas, that is to say length, life, prosperity. Around his neck, the necklace ousekh with a balance weight in the back. His statue is seated on a throne inside the naos. On the right, the Pharaoh is in front of the naos. Then, the same scene is duplicated three times: the Pharaoh is in the naos. Does he illuminate the god's statue with a burn-incense (?).  Top scene : on the right, the priest opens the naos. Ptah is standing on a base plate maât symbolizing his mastery on the order of the world. Then, two times the same scene of the adoring Pharaoh the god. Let's notice that in all chapels, the gods are always turned in the way of the entry door.